Itinerary 1: From the Pont de Bar Nou to the Arenys

The proposed route begins at the bus stop of  Pont de Bar and continues along the river Segre for almost five kilometers, until you reach La casa dels Arenys (the Arenys’ house). The path goes through a riverside landscape through the lands of Baridà, a territory of complex orography located between Alt Urgell and Cerdanya. Along this route you can visit El museo de la Vinya (the Vine Museum) and Vi de muntanya de Pont de Bar (the Pont de Bar Mountain Wine), and contemplate the old beds of vineyards on the slopes, as well as the start of the old medieval bridge of Saint Ermengol at Pont de Bar Vell.


Moderate difficulty

Pont de Bar

Departure from the bus stop

9,3 km
Vista preliminar de la imatge+408 m
Vista preliminar de la imatge2h25
Vista preliminar de la imatge 



For more information